The latest Happy Birthday shout out goes to 20 young year old Catherine who had her party bash at Camperdown the other week.
The evening was choc full of fun, that included a delicious array of Filipino food prepared byyours truly Catherine's relatives, Krispy Kreme donuts (could not resist to bring these), Nintendo Wii (which my cousin Phillip could not stop playing the whole night) and of course the lovely Catherine.
Only issue of the evening was that Cat discovered a half eaten Polo bun and a green tea sticky rice ball inside the bag which had her present from me.
Tsk tsk tsk
Silly me....
Those were two day old food stuffs. Eeeewwwwww.
The evening was choc full of fun, that included a delicious array of Filipino food prepared by
Only issue of the evening was that Cat discovered a half eaten Polo bun and a green tea sticky rice ball inside the bag which had her present from me.
Tsk tsk tsk
Silly me....
Those were two day old food stuffs. Eeeewwwwww.
And that reminds me, my birthday is fast approaching at the end of this month and I'll be turning the rip old age of 23!!
Crap that's old!
But hey, that's Michael Jordan's jersey number. Boom!! ^_^
Crap that's old!
But hey, that's Michael Jordan's jersey number. Boom!! ^_^
On a serious note, be careful when on the road folks, driving home from Cat's party I was suffering microsleeps and almost crashed in to another car.
I know that I shouldn't drive with lack of sleep but I didn't realise how exhausted I was till I drove.
Please take care.
I know that I shouldn't drive with lack of sleep but I didn't realise how exhausted I was till I drove.
Please take care.
Saturday dinner
Eating out at a Japanese restaurant with the sexy bunch, this evening involved a minor argument with the manager regarding their chicken teriyaki, which could have been easily resolved if they could understand English.
Then later, dessert at Max Brenners, with me over dosing on chocolate goodness (big chocolate truffle, chocolate nut fudge brownie and a Reeses Pieces milkshake).
Then later, dessert at Max Brenners, with me over dosing on chocolate goodness (big chocolate truffle, chocolate nut fudge brownie and a Reeses Pieces milkshake).
Dessert was marred by me spotting one of bestie's ex's whom she now hates with a vengeance!
Love/hate Winter
No, no, not Anna Wintour, but Winter! Yes, Winter is definitely here, today it was 17 degrees celcius in Sydney. 17!! It was like 26 last week! :/
One thing I love about Australia are the seasons. We actually have hot and cold weather, not like in the Singapore where its hot or hotter.
And I have a love/hate interest for Winter. I welcome cold weather. I actually enjoy snuggling up under the covers with that special someone to keep warm and escape from the cold, or not feeling the effects of 30 degree weather with it being a dry heat, and of course I like wearing Winter clothes (3/4 length cashmere coats, gloves and scarves). If I was bothered, possibly shemaghs and ear muffs.
Now there's nothing like the wind flapping your 3/4 length coat whilst you walk down the street strutting like nothing can stand in your way.
All good and fun yeah?
Not for your life!!!
Don't even blink for a second, because yes it's all rainbows and candy with the above, but there is the bad side of this cold dark place:
1. Waking up on a chilly morning and the tiles in the bathroom are freezing cold. (no heater can fix this).
2. Your ass sitting on a cold part of the sofa.
3. Waiting an extra 10 seconds for the hot water to kick-in in the shower.
4. Your hot coffee not staying so hot because of the cold weather.
5. Having to wear big chunky coats, scarves, gloves, etc. which is heavy and makes me feel fat, plus having to take these off and then put em back on when you enter in and out of buildings.
One thing I love about Australia are the seasons. We actually have hot and cold weather, not like in the Singapore where its hot or hotter.
And I have a love/hate interest for Winter. I welcome cold weather. I actually enjoy snuggling up under the covers with that special someone to keep warm and escape from the cold, or not feeling the effects of 30 degree weather with it being a dry heat, and of course I like wearing Winter clothes (3/4 length cashmere coats, gloves and scarves). If I was bothered, possibly shemaghs and ear muffs.
Now there's nothing like the wind flapping your 3/4 length coat whilst you walk down the street strutting like nothing can stand in your way.
All good and fun yeah?
Not for your life!!!
Don't even blink for a second, because yes it's all rainbows and candy with the above, but there is the bad side of this cold dark place:
1. Waking up on a chilly morning and the tiles in the bathroom are freezing cold. (no heater can fix this).
2. Your ass sitting on a cold part of the sofa.
3. Waiting an extra 10 seconds for the hot water to kick-in in the shower.
4. Your hot coffee not staying so hot because of the cold weather.
5. Having to wear big chunky coats, scarves, gloves, etc. which is heavy and makes me feel fat, plus having to take these off and then put em back on when you enter in and out of buildings.
Top: Wallstreet shirt, Fox knit, Raybans
Bottom: Zara trousters, G2000 blu belt, Stacey Adams shoes
Top: G2000 shirt, Topman tie, black knit, wannabe pose
Bottom: Topman trousers, G2000 blu belt
Bottom: Topman trousers, G2000 blu belt
Top: G2000 shirt, Topman slim blazer
Bottom: G2000 blu belt, Topman slim trousers
Top: RL polo, Domanchi blazer, Raybans
Bottom: Dickies belt, Revoltage jeans, Vans prison issues
Top: RL Polo
Bottom: Topman jeans, Samuel & Kevin belt,Vans prison issues
24: Holy shiet, mofo, womaniser Vice President is screwing things up!! Bastard Chang has Jack's newphew, Jake. And Jack's father?! Why is he a villain?!
Lost: Oh crap!! Who the hell is that apparition Jacob? Will John live? He has too! He's an integral character in the series. Honestly, Captain America (Jack) is giving me the shits, he's too closed off since returning back to camp and he loves Juliet too much. As per usual I want Charlie to die, he is soooooo annoying.
One Tree Hill: At last!! Lucas finds out his father Dan killed his beloved uncle, Keith. And Peyton's stalker is finally goneskies after being beat up by girl power, with the help of Brooke.
Additional Food porn
I love food. Even if it kills me.
Details: Beef bibimap (Korean)
Notes: Delicious.

Details: Bacon double cheeseburger deluxe meal
Notes: Instant heart attack (in a good way)
Details: Double pattie bacon cheesebuger, jumbo chips x mayonnaise, cupcake
Notes: Fulfilling, completely satisfying if it wasn't for the heart burn from the food

Lost: Oh crap!! Who the hell is that apparition Jacob? Will John live? He has too! He's an integral character in the series. Honestly, Captain America (Jack) is giving me the shits, he's too closed off since returning back to camp and he loves Juliet too much. As per usual I want Charlie to die, he is soooooo annoying.
One Tree Hill: At last!! Lucas finds out his father Dan killed his beloved uncle, Keith. And Peyton's stalker is finally goneskies after being beat up by girl power, with the help of Brooke.
Additional Food porn
I love food. Even if it kills me.
Details: Beef bibimap (Korean)
Notes: Delicious.
Details: Bacon double cheeseburger deluxe meal
Notes: Instant heart attack (in a good way)
Details: Double pattie bacon cheesebuger, jumbo chips x mayonnaise, cupcake
Notes: Fulfilling, completely satisfying if it wasn't for the heart burn from the food
haha ,ugly cheeseburger, no appetite
Advance Happy Birthday to you! :)
I love desserts... yum yum... :)
how happy you are at that time !!
ur blog is very good !!
Go on , older brother !!
And ur pictures is handsome ,some of that are cute , we like it very much .
sorry, our english is not very good .
viewing ur blog and even commenting :P
death god is the bomb
and certain desert ruiners arnt :P
hi pogi!who is angela?
YAY! I got a mention! Woo hoo! Thanks for coming! It was an awesome night (even though I missed the last few hours haha)
I see you started taking photos in the lift again... =P
Haha we had fun with that green bun...
WOO HOO! I LOVE WINTER! =D And I think the winter fashions are way better than summer fashion
Haha how funny was it that Mel totally picked out your Singaporean clothes/style. She's a fashion designer so kinda expected
EARLY HAPPY BIRTHDAY coz otherwise it'll be late... =S
Love your look. You are a very handsome young man.
Stopping by for C&C Monday. Have a great week.
@Helena: stupid silly girl
@tina: Thanks tina!! ^_^
@summer & jia yiting: Thank you my little sisters.
@Bao: Told you it was the shiznit, now watch the rest of it.
@Helena: From my lose understanding of what you said, translated on Babelfish, thank you so much dear. You are so good to me, I'm so lucky to have you, I love you so much! *muah*
@Louise: she's my sugar pie hunnie bunch. :p
@catherine: that green bun will haunt me forever. Haha, yes she picked it out well. But the style is more Japanese/Korean/Taiwan/HK. The designers of the clothes I wore were from that region. Fank you! ^_^
@cybercelt: Thank you! :) You're too nice.
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