What does Valentine's day mean to you?
According to Wiki, "it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other; sending Valentine's cards, candy, giving of flowers and donations to charity."
Today, there are anti-valentine's people EVERYWHERE. Both single and partnered people despise this day. They complain that it is a Hallmark (card manufacturer) conspiracy who want to capitalise on card sales, or rose growers who want to take advantage of unsuspecting lovers (with roses up to $100 each), or chocolate manufacturers (Lindt, Darrell Lea, etc.) making us fat and finally Australia Post racking it in, almost as much as Mother's Day. Can it get any worse?
But out there....is hope. People out there still believe in Valentine's day. These heroes stand up against the anti-Valentine's villains and courageously send their loved one flowers, candy and poems. If you're one of these people, never give up, never surrender! You are the hope left to keep a burning flame alive.
Below is a snap of some Valentine's gifts some dude was guarding at Central station. What a champion.
According to Wiki, "it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other; sending Valentine's cards, candy, giving of flowers and donations to charity."
Today, there are anti-valentine's people EVERYWHERE. Both single and partnered people despise this day. They complain that it is a Hallmark (card manufacturer) conspiracy who want to capitalise on card sales, or rose growers who want to take advantage of unsuspecting lovers (with roses up to $100 each), or chocolate manufacturers (Lindt, Darrell Lea, etc.) making us fat and finally Australia Post racking it in, almost as much as Mother's Day. Can it get any worse?
But out there....is hope. People out there still believe in Valentine's day. These heroes stand up against the anti-Valentine's villains and courageously send their loved one flowers, candy and poems. If you're one of these people, never give up, never surrender! You are the hope left to keep a burning flame alive.
Below is a snap of some Valentine's gifts some dude was guarding at Central station. What a champion.
Why bother do you ask?
The sight of your loved one being surprised by a serendipitous moment from you. Her eyes opening in shock when you present a gift at the most unsuspecting moment, and when she or you feel the emotions that sparked the start of your beautiful relationship.
Which side am I on?
Why ofcourse, I'm all for Valentine's day! ^_^
I had my own plans today but I have this which is one of four gifts I had on offer:
The sight of your loved one being surprised by a serendipitous moment from you. Her eyes opening in shock when you present a gift at the most unsuspecting moment, and when she or you feel the emotions that sparked the start of your beautiful relationship.
Which side am I on?
Why ofcourse, I'm all for Valentine's day! ^_^
I had my own plans today but I have this which is one of four gifts I had on offer:
Cute eh? It's a pig, which tie's in with Chinese New Year and it has a pink and red heart wand.
Pix from Anna's 18th Cotillion
Don't they all look hawt? ^_^
More pix of cousins and guests below:

The pic below is part of Anna's cake which I hovered near by like a hawk before the ceremony. There were seven, yes, SEVEN tiers of cake. Each one had it's own candy flowers and came in ube cake form. I drooled staring at the cake, but they pushed me away, thinking I'd eat it all for myself....which I would.

More pix of cousins and guests below:
My cuz Anna is the one towards the left from the middle in the strapless dress with a tiara.
The pic below is part of Anna's cake which I hovered near by like a hawk before the ceremony. There were seven, yes, SEVEN tiers of cake. Each one had it's own candy flowers and came in ube cake form. I drooled staring at the cake, but they pushed me away, thinking I'd eat it all for myself....which I would.
It's pink, Anna's favourite colour and it sure is one pretty cake, that also tastes delicious.
Whilst doing some shopping I ate at a Japanese restaurant and had this dish, teriyaki chicken ramen noodle soup.
It was nice and the waitress lady said in a very cute, Japanese accent influenced English way: "Hope you enjoy your meal." How adorable.
It was nice and the waitress lady said in a very cute, Japanese accent influenced English way: "Hope you enjoy your meal." How adorable.
And of course, how can I not forget to mention my standard Super Slurpee for the day? Today's flavour is Tropical (?), unfortunately they weren't really specific on what tropical fruit were chosen.
Not wasting any opportunity whilst I was out and about looking what else to buy for Valentine's, I did some shopping for eerrrmmm...........myself.
I picked up this awesome camo green LRG jacket and a pair of swanky checkered shorts which are styled similar to Bermuda shorts.
I picked up this awesome camo green LRG jacket and a pair of swanky checkered shorts which are styled similar to Bermuda shorts.
And if I match them shorts with some preppy gear I have, I will look like one of these guys:
How freakin' hilarious! >_<
Here is the culprit of my woes for the last two years. My right knee. F#!!#*!# %#!(%#!*!#. I hate this knee, ever since I tore cartilage and ligament in it 2 years ago, it's been nothing but trouble. Any sport aggravates my injury, causing it to weaken and then the next day fragile and brittle. After seeing a doctor a while back, he said due to the extent of the injury I need treatment (surgery), or I will forever be stuck with this problem.
Now, to find time to have the surgery, including a minimum of 3 months on crutches and bandages.
Doesn't sound like it's worth it right now. I should focus on my career.
Now to have a glass of milk before I get some booty sleep. :p
Mood: exhausted but happy because it's Valentine's and love is all around, but also still sick, so hot flashes all around.
Song of the moment: Goldfrapp - Strict Machine.
Song of the moment: Goldfrapp - Strict Machine.
OMGOMGOMG I know I'm a bit slow.. Didn't realise I could post comments and such
I LOVE VALENTINE'S DAY TOO!!! Though coz my friend and I didn't have Valentine's we took each other out and gave each other roses LOL So sad... Two girls walking around the city, clutching roses and trying to ignore all the couples snogging in the streets...
Awwwwwwww I wish someone would give ME that bear at the stationnnnn!!!
I prefer to make Valentine's gifts, though... last year I gave my friends photoframes that I decorated and this year I spent 2hrs cross-stitching "I <3 U" on a tshirt then put that on a bear LOL
Long comment, I know... SORRY! ^_^ Hehehe
harhar i got ur replies, and yes i'll get u that slurpee machine if u want. Our bdays are straight after each other =) May babies x2
Happy Valentines Day chubby!! *shakes ass*
Catherine: Should've showed off your male gigolo in the City.
Wow, that's a very nice, personal gift you made there.
I used to be able to knitt. :/
June: Anything else we have similarly in common? It's kinda freaking me out!
*shakes ass*
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