For a while now, I've been having a coat obsession. Whether it be beltless, 3/4, trench coat or peacoat, I always have my eyes peeled for some pretty coats.
Every morning I see girls wearing coats in a variety of colours, ranging from black, white, pink, red, green and blue. But us boys are limited to certain colours due to our masculinity. So we're stuck with black, gray, charcoal, light gray, brown, chocolate, dk brown, light brown, and navy.
So girls, take advantage of what you have at your disposal. Just maybe, one day I'll have the guts to wear a white 3/4 coat. But hell, its hard enough finding any coats in those colours here in Sydney. :/ I have to go on a shopping trip soon, maybe Seoul or Tokyo?
And thus comes a purchase...
I ordered that last week and totally fell in love with the design and fit. I MUST HAVE IT. So after I picked up my mother from the local train station after work, [convince mode ON] I start rambling on and on about this trench coat I wanna buy online and I blab on about how pretty it is and how good it is, and how it will accentuate, yes! I used accentuate, my Asian physique.
15 mins later...she has a look at the pictures and finally agrees..Woohoo!!...Now I won't get in trouble when she see's a charge on my credit card. Only problem is, she wants to borrow, gaahhhh evil!!
But I'm nice so I'll let her borrow it, when I'm NOT planning to wear it. XD
15 mins later...she has a look at the pictures and finally agrees..Woohoo!!...Now I won't get in trouble when she see's a charge on my credit card. Only problem is, she wants to borrow, gaahhhh evil!!
But I'm nice so I'll let her borrow it, when I'm NOT planning to wear it. XD
One week later, guess what came in the mail...

Another coat that I MUST have...

Burberry double breasted trench coat
Bottega Veneta S/S 08

Hair cut
I took the plunge and got it snipped last Friday.
What do you think?
Fobtastic? XD
Fobtastic? XD
Random pic
Miso and Tarou molesting a poor lion in Chinatown...
I've always wished I could wear cardigans here in the Philippines. :(
I have obsession for coats as well. Those coats you have are utterly fab!
Dior Homme i love! ;)
From *Chase house :)
nice fob hair! and the coat is awesome.
Burberry double breasted trench coat is TO DIE FOR! if i was a guy, i would totally hit that. you have a great sense of style.
Hey, could you give me the link to where you got that trench coat? (And does it come in white?) I have a friend who has been searching for one like that for a long time...
Hi, I dunno i you will read this but whats the first coat you bought. I can't find it anywhere! Whats it called! Email me back please at
u sure as h.ell love coats, eh? cool. i love the black one~ (^_<)
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