Thursday, March 01, 2007

Milk & me + Silly us + Gentlemanly + TV

Sorry I've neglected this but work has been keeping me busy. :/

Anyways a gift from my dear friend Grache (real name Grace, but with a silly accent, it's pronounced Gra-che!) and her bf Joni: my Moo Mixer.

What is a Moo mixer you say?

Picture this, you are thirsty, you prepped yourself a glass of milk, hmmm this needs chocolate, you stir in a couple of tablespoons of Milo (chocolate flavoured powder), you drink, yum, the TV distracts you, 5 mins pass, you look down to your glass, oh noes! the Milo is floating on the top, it hasn't dissolved, what am I to do? Get up from my comfortable position and use a spoon to stir my drink again? But that means double the dishwashing!.....
......I will have none of that, for my drink is in a Moo mixer. One push of the button and it mixes my flavoured drink to maintain chocolate consistency. Pogi is happy and lounges away.

My Moo mixer hard at work, at work. XD

People at work love it! But at the same time think I'm silly (in a good way) for reaching a new level of laziness.

Also, the looks on my work colleague's faces when I walk in a meeting, hanging on to this in my hand = Priceless. :)

Suddenly the calcium level in my body has increased. :p


Silliness = <>

What do you get when you have 4 friends at a bookstore (Borders) with nothing to do but wait for a movie session (Greater Union)? You have poo heads posing with books. :)

Waiting for friends (Elgin and Thao) to watch Rocky Balboa last week, we had time, we saw books, we pretended to read, we conquered books. ^_^

Joni and I reading important literature (his title: Tantric Orgasm Women, me: The Passionate Shopper)

Silly us fake-reading books.

Grache holding a book with her name on it. :) Becos she wrote it, YEAH RIGHT!!

Luckily we left that place, before we get kicked out for loitering. [-_-]


Mr Suave?

Neanderthals, take this test, to see if you fit "the profile".

My (honest) result......

Your Social Rank is...

True Gentleman. Congratulations.
From terrific taste to immaculate manners, you have the refinement worthy of a man of substance. And hence you know enough not to brag about this.

Never fear, Pogi is here. >_<>



Last week before we watched Rocky Balboa, we hurried and took refuge at Max Brenners. Choctastic did you say? Yes, yes indeed. :)

I wasn't hankering for some chocolate, even though it was from Max Brenners, I just had a chocolate and peanut shake that tasted like liquid Reeses Pieces.

We all wet our pants, twice! And then a third time when we had fondue.

And the aftermath..........


TV (Spoilers)

24: OMG OMG OMG, did 'they' kill the U.S. President? Even though he ain't no David Palmer, he is still a Palmer!! And Charles Logan, ggggrrrrrr, what's his part in this? Even though it was so trippy that he was brought into the storyline. This week's ep, just WOW.

The O.C.: It's over. :( Last week's ep was the finale. The ending....was good, subtle, not over the top, not hyped up, it was just enough. The Cohen's moved to Berkeley, Summer and Seth get married, happily ever after.....*weep*...time to watch season one again with evil Oliver. :) mwhahahahaa

Family Guy: Stewie got a tan. Mutha f*rking hilarious ep.

Heroes: Holy crap, shit hit the fan!! This ep kept me on the edge of my seat, Peter Petrelli is maniac now, and we learn more about the "company". I wept when Mr Bennett said goodbye to Claire. :*(


Japanese Surgery!!

Continuing from last week's shocker topic, here is Mari Yaguchi, from ordinary Japanese girl, to hit Jpop singer, and superstar on popular show Morning Musume.

Believe that!?

Conversation later that night....

Grache: if i had surgery id change my....
Me: ovaries?
Grache: no!
Me: aawwwww :(


ssv★L said...

am much delighted that you enjoy reading my blog! ^^ cheers! and dang it, love the moo mixer! its awesome! =D

christina said...

omg the Moo Mixer is fantastic. lol.

tinana here, btw. =]

PogiChinoy said...

Looks like the Moo Mixer is getting popular. :)

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